(01 AL 05 DE JUNIO DE 2020)
PASO 1. Observa el
siguiente vídeo para que identifiques ¿qué es un
crecimiento exponencial y cuáles son sus principales características?:
PASO 2. Instructions. Look at the graph then complete de sentences with the words to express
likes (love, really like, like) or dislikes (hate, don´t like).
Es de suma importancia que observes, analices e interpretes la gráfica, ya que ella tiene información específica, y lo que respondas debe ser coherente entre los datos de la gráfica y lo que te gusta y no te gusta.
Por ejemplo:
Me gusta que haya aumentado el número de contagios el 07/05/2020 (es
No me gusta que haya aumentado el número de contagios el 07/05/2020 (es correcto)
1) She doesn´t like that the blue line is only a
projection, because it is a possibility
2) He _______the graph helps me understand how the pandemic spreads
3) We ____________ that the graph shows a large
number of infections on May 7th
4) I ________a graph can predict when the pandemic will end
5) I ________because I can to know the Mexico's
valley situation
6) You __________ the pink curve because there are
a lot of infected people in a short time
7) My friend _________the exponential growth on April
8) He _________the graph is showing with the most relevant data from the
9) She ___________that on May 4 still there are 100 cases of infections
10) I _________ the blue curve is
smaller than pink one
11) I __________the quarantine is extending
PASO 3. Instructions. Look at the graph then select
the correct math word.
Recuerda que para seleccionar la palabra matemática, ésta debe ser coherente con la información de la gráfica
1) I like the (minimum/maximum) point of blue line is lower than pink one
2) I like the graph has to follow an almost
(linear/exponential) trend
3) I like that the number of infections is (decreasing/growing) as time passes
4) I like the graph has an inflexions point when the numbers are falling in the (May
14th/June 18th)
5) I like it because show the number of infections every (day/week)
6) I like we (passed/didn´t pass) the
top of sick number
7) I like the numbers are beginning to be (decreasing/ growing)
8) I don't like that the graph might became an (lineal/exponential)
trend at any time
9) I don't like the form because is (concave/lineal)
shape and it is ascending on May 9th
10) I don't like, it is an (symmetric/asymmetric) graph because it increases
fast and decreases slowly
11) I don't like that both curves have the (same/diferent) number of infections
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Evidencias- Enunciados en ingles sobre la interpretación de una gráfica. Semana 9" Comenta éste estado subiendo las imágenes de tus actividades (Antes de subirlas verifica que sean legibles). No olvides indicar tus APELLIDOS, NOMBRE, GRADO y GRUPO - FECHA MÁXIMA DE ENTREGA 03/06/2020 10:00 A.M. Gracias!!!
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